Make the call

House Approves Cuts to YOUR Pay and Retirement. Can We Stop Them?

On Thursday, the House of Representatives voted to approve a budget that mandates cuts to your pay and retirement. Every AFGE member and every federal employee will be impacted by these cuts if we do not act now.

We have one last chance to stop the House’s budget from becoming law – we must call every member of Congress and tell them to vote no on any budget that cuts federal employee wages and retirement benefits.

Calling your member of Congress is easy. Dial 1 (844)669-5146 and listen to the script, then enter your zip code.
When someone answers the phone, simply tell the staffer that you are a voter in the District, you are a federal employee and that you do not deserve cuts to your pay or your hard-earned retirement.

Then call the number back. You should make three calls: one to each DC office of your two Senators, and one to the DC office of your House Representative.

Then call this number: 1 (888)775-3148 to call all three District offices – one call to each of your Senator’s district offices and one to your House Representative’s district office. 

Read more at its source AFGE.ORG

Also please join in on November 15 for our National Call in Day

Download here, the national-phone-action-flyer-nov-15

Please tell Your Lawmakers to Oppose Any Final Budget with Cuts to Your Pay & Retirement:

Tell them to oppose any cuts to federal employees compensation in the next federal budget:
D.C. Office: (844) 669-5146
District Office: (888) 775-3148

Read more about the house budget by reading the house budget flyer


Stay tuned in on current information at

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