Budget update

AFGE action alert 10/26/17


Brother and Sisters,

You did it! Today, the House passed the Senate Budget Resolution without reconciliation cuts to your pay, retirement, or health care benefits.

Your calls, emails and letters made the difference in keeping cuts to federal employees out of the final budget.

Thank you to all the local leaders and members who mobilized against these harmful proposals over the past five months, joined multiple conference calls, participated in telephone town halls, and took time to meet with Members of Congress.

You made 44,334 calls to Congressional offices to fight for your pay, retirement, and health care benefits.

Although this budget does not include cuts to our compensation and benefits, AFGE does not support this budget. The budget passed today is a vehicle for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, which will ultimately increase the deficit, and again result in cuts to federal budgets, and our jobs and benefits. We had a victory today, but OUR fight is not over.

YOUR voice makes a difference. We have many battles ahead of us and AFGE must be engaged and ready to fight for your rights and the rights of all working people.

Thank you,


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