Please see the attached Memo “Reorganization of GLA Services” which details a realignment in our CBOC management reporting structure.
Author: Gary Locken
Roberts Rules
At our April General Membership meeting, members raised several questions regarding Roberts Rules. The most challenging question was:
Is it true that the president can vote only to break a tie? According to official Roberts Rules website the answer is NO.
Please take a moment to review at
“No, it is not true that the president can vote only to break a tie. If the president is a member of the voting body, he or she has exactly the same rights and privileges as all other members have, including the right to make motions, to speak in debate, and to vote on all questions.”
It is this writers belief that the confusion surrounding this issue is that under our bylaws there is one circumstance were the president only votes in the case of a tie. In our Grievance Committee the “The President will vote only to break a tied vote.”
I’ll post section 28 of our bylaws below
Grievance Committee Rules and Responsibilities
1. . The Committee will meet at a separate meeting to consider the merits of the case.
2. The Executive Chief Steward or the President’s appointee will chair the Committee.
3. The meeting is confidential and is closed to all except committee members. (Representative and member will leave the room after presentation).
4. Committee members must be free to address any and all aspects of the case.
4. Discussion and all comments are to remain confidential and must not be discussed outside of the committee.
6. Voting must be by secret ballot.
7. The President will vote only to break a tied vote.
As you can see there is only one circumstance were the president’s voting rights are limited to a tie, the Grievance Committee.
I want to thank everyone for attending the April Meeting. I value the vigorous debate and increased turn out. I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.
This posting is my interpretation of the bylaws and Roberts Rules and does not constitute an official policy of AFGE Local 3943. –Gary Locken, Sgt at Arms, Steward and Webmaster.
Election Committee
Interested in volunteering and serving on the election committee?
Please review the AFGE election Manual
Please review Local 3943 Bylaws Section 13 Election of Officers and Section 14 Election Committee
Attend the July 25th General Membership Meeting to volunteer.
Update on Nurse Salary Surveys
Posted per Local President Gerard Tcheumani:
Federal Labor Relations Authority Notification
MOU Regarding Recruitment Bonus for Local 3943 & 1061
Date 12/20/2016
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AGREEMENT: Regarding Recruitment Bonus for Local 3943 & 1061
Per a telephone conversation with Mr. George McCubbin III AFGE District 12 National Vice President. This agreement is in effect starting immediately members from 1061 who recruit another for local 3943 or vice versa will receive a recruitment bonus depending on the recruitment program in effect during that period, from the local that the new members 1187 belongs to. We all belong to one organization and we are all brothers and sisters for the same organization AFGE
Gerard Tcheumani, President Henrietta “Ann” Perkins, President
AFGE Local 3943 AFGE local 1061
The 7 Minute Rule
Please see Fact Sheet #53 – The Health Care Industry and Hours Worked for more on the often misunderstood 7 Minute Rule
Please visit our new page “Negotiations”
Recent updates include
Current Smoking MOU that is still in effect Smoking MOU 2008
FMLA MOU MOU GLA Nursing FMLA Sick Leave Restriction loss of Compressed Work Tours
New Mailing Address
Please note our new mailing address:
American Federation of Government Employees – Local #3943
P.O. Box 84263
Los Angeles, CA 90073
Phone: (310) 478-3711 ext. 44888
General Membership time change to 5PM
The membership voted for a time change to 5pm for future General Membership meetings. We look forward to seeing you at the July 25 Meeting.