Merger with AFGE Local 1061

Our local 3943 is moving in a new direction and will be consolidated into AFGE Local 1061.  Please rest assured that Local 1061 has many years of representing Veterans Affairs employees and has a long history of advocating for federal workers.  More information about this exciting prospect to follow as it becomes available.

During this transition, all your rights as a represented union worker still apply.  Should you need assistance or are called to a meeting with management or supervisor please remember to invoke your Weingarten rights.  You have to actively assert your Weingarten Rights for the rights to apply. Please read the following statement if called to a meeting by management:  If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative or steward be present at this meeting. Until my representation arrives, I choose not to participate in this discussion. 

If you do not request this right out loud in these words, you could face an unfair disadvantage if your union rep is not there to assist you.  After reading this statement management must give you the union representation you have requested before proceeding.  If the management personnel in charge fails to provide you with your union rep after your invoke your  Weingarten rights, they have committed an unfair labor practice that can have legal consequences and your union  rep can potentially use to mitigate adverse actions taken by management. 

Remember to invoke all your rights as a worker, even as we transition into a new organization.  We look forward to representing more workers in this new phase of our union.  Thank you as always for allowing us to work for you.   

Gary Locken VP for the Northern Clinics Local 3943 and Webmaster. Signing off of now, at least in my current form.  I hope to keep working on your behalf and it has been a pleasure serving you. 

Survey “25 Worst VAMC’s” in the Field-DO NOT RESPOND

To: All Local Members

From: President AFGE/NVAC

Subject: 25 Worst VAMC’s

There is a survey in the field where stations are stating “it’s not a survey”. Management is requesting bargaining unit employees to name the 25 worst VAMC’s. DO NO RESPOND TO THIS REQUEST. The National VA Council believes this request is designed to have the BUE’s be responsible for shutting down VA’s etc. Again DO NOT RESPOND!!

Roberts Rules

At our April General Membership meeting, members raised several questions regarding Roberts Rules.  The most challenging question was:

Is it true that the president can vote only to break a tie? According to official Roberts Rules website the answer is NO.

Please take a moment to review at  

“No, it is not true that the president can vote only to break a tie. If the president is a member of the voting body, he or she has exactly the same rights and privileges as all other members have, including the right to make motions, to speak in debate, and to vote on all questions.”


It is this writers belief that the confusion surrounding this issue is that under our bylaws there is one circumstance were the president only votes in the case of a tie. In our Grievance Committee the “The President will vote only to break a tied vote.”

I’ll post section 28 of our bylaws below

Grievance Committee Rules and Responsibilities
1. . The Committee will meet at a separate meeting to consider the merits of the case.
2. The Executive Chief Steward or the President’s appointee will chair the Committee.
3. The meeting is confidential and is closed to all except committee members. (Representative and member will leave the room after presentation).
4. Committee members must be free to address any and all aspects of the case.
4. Discussion and all comments are to remain confidential and must not be discussed outside of the committee.
6. Voting must be by secret ballot.
7. The President will vote only to break a tied vote.

As you can see there is only one circumstance were the president’s voting rights are limited to a tie, the Grievance Committee.

I want to thank everyone for attending the April Meeting. I value the vigorous debate and increased turn out.  I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.

This posting is my interpretation of the bylaws and Roberts Rules and does not constitute an official policy of AFGE Local 3943. –Gary Locken, Sgt at Arms, Steward and Webmaster.