Action Alert from AFGE.ORG

Right now, Congress is working on the most extreme union-busting, pension-stealing bills we’ve seen yet.
These attacks focus on official time, one of our core union rights that AFGE uses to help employees get fair representation in workplace disputes. Anti-government employee lawmakers are trying to rush through bills that limit our union rights and silence our voice in the workplace.
Here’s what you need to know about H.R. 1364, the Government-wide Anti-Union Representation Bill:
It eliminates the use of official time by making it far too difficult for managers and federal employees to successfully work together to address mission-related challenges.
It revokes our union’s ability to stand up for workers who have been wrongfully fired, disciplined, harassed or intimidated
It steals the pension of any worker who exceeds a limited amount of time spent representing employees who have been disciplined, harassed, or intimidated.
Disgusting, right? Wait until you hear about H.R. 1259, the VA Anti-Union Representation Bill:
This bill specifically targets Title 5 and Title 38 rights at the VA, and takes away all grievance rights for workers facing a removal, demotion or suspension.
It gives agency officials the power to take back compensation you’ve already earned.
The bill gives management the upper-hand by radically shortening the time unfairly fired VA workers can prepare their case.
It limits the time unfairly fired workers can appeal to the MSPB to just 7 days
Here’s what we need you to do right now: Call the union rights hotline 1-855-976-5397 to connect with your lawmaker.
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